Congratulations to Jeff Vetter of Mingledorff's!
The AIR Company of Georgia's
"Partner of the Year"!
This week we welcomed Kelly Harvey and Jeff Vetter of Mingledorff's to our headquarters. Without them, our mission to provide exceptional experiences would be impossible to achieve. That's why we are thrilled to award Jeff Vetter "Partner of the Year" for an outstanding relationship with AIR! Amazingly, when we presented the award to Jeff, he told us that all his years in business, this was a first.

We value relationships so much that we thought it was vitally important to recognize one of our key partnerships. I've spent over 20 years in corporate America where my relationships were vital to my success. So our question to you is: What makes a good relationship or partnership?
For us, there are three things that make a good partner. Trust, Knowledge, and Understanding.
Mountains of info has been written on the role of trust in professional relationships, but for us, it comes down to one simple question: Do you have your partner's best interest at heart and without an agenda? Being honest in word and deed is of vital importance also. When our partners are interacting with different team members it is important that we trust they are upholding the same standards throughout our organization no matter what the interaction might look like.
Does our partner impart valuable wisdom and are they being intellectually honest? For us, the best relationships are those that expand the knowledge of both partners. Sharing knowledge allows both partners to make more informed decisions and feel greater confidence in the value of the relationship. We have found our best partners to have a very rich content of knowledge that we can tap into. The willingness to share and impart that wisdom is of vital importance also.
Understanding is one of the best ways to demonstrate commitment to our partnerships. Understanding also involves patience. Taking the time to explain things in easy to understand terms, no matter what the experience level of the individual may be is of crucial value. We find that patience in our partnerships helps us to make better informed decisions for both parties.
Too often, businesses fail to nurture and support professional relationships. In their quest to maximize their own material benefits they become fixated on transactions, and forget about people. That's just not how we do business. At the AIR Company of Georgia, we strive to build valuable, long lasting relationships with both our partners and our clients. Our core values of cultivating trust, understanding, and knowledge guide how we do business at every level. Without these values and the tireless work of our exceptional partners, our exceptional service would be impossible to provide.