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Tips to Keep HVAC Costs Down While Your Inside

Ways To Keep Your Air Conditioning Costs Down When You are Inside

It's easy to keep your AC costs down when you're not home by simply adjusting your thermostat; however, many of us have been told to remain indoors right now. We don't want to be spending extra money on our AC, but no one wants to be spending all their time in a hot house either. Don't worry, here at The AIR Company of Georgia we have some tips lower your AC costs while you're stuck at home:

Run your AC more economically

If you can stand a higher temperature during the day, set your thermostat on a higher temperature during the day, and a lower temperature at night. Adjusting your thermostat to not having the AC constantly running could save you up to 10% on your bill! Remember: The smaller the difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures throughout the season, the less you'll spend. For example, set your AC's thermostat to 78ºF instead of 72ºF.

Use a ceiling fan or other circulating fan.

Did you know using your fan can make you feel six- or seven-degrees cooler via the wind-chill effect? A fan doesn't cool a room, it just makes it more comfortable to be in. Just be sure to turn off the fan when no one's enjoying it. Otherwise, you waste electricity.

If you also use an air conditioner, a ceiling fan helps disperse cooled air more efficiently and allows you to raise its thermostat by as much as four degrees, with little or no discomfort. This means you can keep your AC at a slightly higher temperature with use of your ceiling fan or circulating fan.

Maintain cooling systems

No matter what you do, if you don't properly care for your equipment, it won't reduce your cooling costs. Dirty AC filters block airflow and make units work harder to cool your home. Cleaning or replacing filters once per month will lower an AC's energy consumption significantly!

If you have a central cooling system, be sure that floor registers aren't blocked with dust—or furniture. A unit's evaporator and condenser coils should also be clear of dirt and other debris. If you continue to have issues with your AC System, reach out to us here at The AIR Company of Georgia! We would love to lend you a hand.

Avoid excess heat buildup during the day

Whenever the outdoor temperature exceeds the temperature inside your home, try to refrain from any activities that generate a lot of heat, like cooking on the stovetop and using the dishwasher or clothes dryer. Instead, grill your food outside, wash your dishes by hand, and hang your clothes out on a clothesline. Computers, stereos and TVs are also big heat-generators so limit your use of them during hot days. By simple avoidance, you'll be able to save money on electricity and what it would cost to make that AC work overtime.

Close curtains, blinds and shades

Whether you have curtains, blinds or shades, you'll see significant savings if you close them during the day to prevent the solar heat from being drawn into your household. When completely closed and lowered on a sunny window, highly reflective blinds can reduce heat gain by around 45%. Try to use light-colored treatments: The lighter the hue, the more they'll deflect the sun's scorching rays. Hang shades as close to windowpanes as possible, this enables them to also block outdoor heat from radiating inside. If you utilize this simple treatment your house will remain much cooler during the day, cutting that AC bill down!

It's a time of adjusting for the entire world, and the cost of your AC bill is one less thing you should be worrying about. We hope by following these tips that you will be able to cut down on the heavy use of your AC System. As always, we are here for all for your HVAC system needs. If you have questions or need assistance, The AIR Company of Georgia is here to help!

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